Worshipers in a Worship modd

 Most church auditoriums in the Ashanti Regional capital, Kumasi were filled to capacity as Christians observed the last Sunday of the year. 
The congregations dedicated most parts of their services to thanksgiving and worship in appreciation to God for how far he has brought the members in spite of the many economic and social challenges they faced in the course of the passing year. 
In almost all the churches visited by Ashanti Today, the church auditoriums were virtually full to capacity as both regular and occasional worshipers had every reason to have an encounter with their maker on the last Sunday of the year 2014.

The high church attendance is in view of the fact that most churches could not meet on the actual Christmas day which fell on a week day. And yesterday being the first Sunday in the festive season and the last in the year, they felt it worthwhile to attend church services. 
The church services were mainly to thank God for granting most of the members the opportunity to be alive and also for seeing them through their      difficulties in life. 
The church service at the Grace Baptist Church at Amakom was on the theme: “Thanksgiving and Adoration”. Apart from a brief sermon by the Head Pastor of the church, Reverend Robert Asante, the remaining aspect was dedicated for Worship and Thanksgiving. 
Daughters of Glorious Jesus thrilling the congregation
 The large congregation, with a sizeable number of the worshipers participating from outside the auditorium for lack of space in the two-storey temple, had enough to pray for and thank God for. 
The were thrilled by the legendary Daughters of Glorious Jesus. The trio did not only lead the worshipers in their usual Worship and adoration session, but provided them with renditions from their own many songs, both old and new. 
The day was crowned with a outstanding wedding between Fortune Tella, a Public Relations expert and Lecturer at the 
Christian Service University College in Kumasi, and Adwo Afriyie Barnie of the School of Medical Sciences of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology.
 At Asuoyeboah, the Asuoyeboa Area of the Church of Pentecost was climaxing its five-day Convention on the theme: ‘The Lord Himself will Give You a Sign’. 
 The congregation had enough to thank the    Lord for as they sang and danced to the glory of God. 
They were later led in a prayer session by Prophet Joshua Appiah Kubi to intercede for the nation and the people. At the Good Shepherd Methodist Society also at Asuoyeboa, the service was heavily patronized. 
The members wore mostly white apparel obviously to signify their joy for seeing the year come to an end. 
They were led by the Superintendent Minister for the Asuoyeboa Circuit of the Methodist Church, the Very Reverend J. B. Impraim. 
Then at the Shiloh Cathedral at Tanoso, the Minister in charge, Bishop S. R. Addai reminded the worshippers of some important lessons that could be  drawn from the birth of Jesus Christ.
 According to him, apart from humbling himself to take up the humiliation of the sinful man, Jesus Christ’s birth was also the starting point of salvation for man. 
It is for these and many more reasons that mankind must be thankful to God on this occasion and live        righteous lives


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