An appreciable number of workers, mostly from the public sector, turned up for the Organized Labour led street protest against recent economic policies introduced by the government. 

Members from various labour unions took part in the street protest organized by the Ghana Trades Union. 

They first converged at the Jubilee Park at Asem before embarking on the protest march which lasted about three hours. 

Even though participants were asked to converge at the Jubilee Park at 7 am, the number of demonstrators who were present at the designated point as at 9 am was below expectation. 

They later moved through the Asafo Labour Round about, the Interchange, Adum Nsuoase then through the Ramseyer Presby Church area and passed through the Cenotaph, Regional Police Head office, Pampaso before ending the  demonstration at the Centre for National Culture. 

However, as they went through the routes, the number of the participants marginally increased. 

The protestors sang and danced to music from a Public Address System provided with their messages inscribed on various placards. 

At certain points during the protest, the demonstrators would stop with some of them lying on the ground to court the attention and sympathy of onlookers.

 Some of them read ‘Ahokyere no Dooso dodo’, ‘Mahama W’ada a Sore’, Where is Social Democracy’ and ‘Mahama do You Pay Electricity Bills?’ 

There was a heavy police presence to protect both life and property. One significant observation was the involvement of basic school pupils in the street protest. 

These pupils confirmed to GBC that they had been closed from school as a result of the absence of their teachers ostensibly to take            part in the demonstration.

 At the final destination, which was the Centre for National Culture, the demonstrators were addressed by the Ashanti Regional Industrial Relations Officer of the Public Services Workers Union, Mr. Kofi Asianowa. 

Mr. Asianowa indicated that the Working Group set up by the President to work out an amicable solution has failed to produce satisfactory results saying that government remains adamant to demands of Labour. 

He claimed also that the recent economic policies introduced by the government are part of the dictates of the International Monitory Fund and warned that no country the world over has yet proven that policies of the IMF yield positive results.

 He therefore reminded government of the social and political ramifications of its latest policies. 

Mr. Asianowa expressed the hope that the demonstration would touch the heart of         government to address concerns of Ghanaians.


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