The Response Service Centre

The 2nd National Emergency Response Centre has been opened at Nkwantakesee in the Afigya Kwabre district of Ashanti to serve the Ashanti and Brong Ahafo regions.

 The Centre is an initiative of the Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communication of the Ministry of Communications to serve as a one-stop call centre during emergency situations anywhere in the operational areas. 

The National Emergency Response Service centre is a public project that seeks to create a common platform that allows people to make calls about any emergency situation for swift response. 

The Centre’s main job is to receive distress calls from victims of emergency situations or concerned members of the public and in turn inform the relevant state agency to attend to such situations such as armed robbery attack, flooding, wildfires, road accidents, mob attack among others.

 Concerned citizens can also report incidents of dangerous electrical problems that endanger public security and safety or burst pipelines for immediate intervention.

 The toll-free service line which is ‘122’ can be called using any of the telecommunication networks in the country with or without credit or airtime and it will work alongside the existing known local emergency numbers until the entire country is configured to operate the system. 

The initiative has now enabled Ghana to join the international community to use a common telephone number for emergency response to disasters and other similar situations. 

The Service Centre is manned by trained staff ready to receive distress calls at anytime. The Nkwantakesee Service Centre is the 2nd in the country following the inauguration of the Accra Centre some weeks ago with plans already in place for the 3rd and last one to be opened in Tamale to serve the three regions of the north. 

The Chief of Nkwantakesee, Nana Boakye Yam and the Afigya Kwabre District Chief Executive, Mr. Kaakyire Oppong Kyekyeku, expressed gratitude to the government for selecting the district to host the project since it will help open up the area to the outside world as well as increase the revenue of the District Assembly as well as create jobs.

 The Administrator of GIFEC, Mr. Kwabena Owusu Acheampong, disclosed that his organization will next year implement another project code-named ‘TETRA Communications System’ which is a set of standards developed the European Union Telecommunications Standardization Institute.

 An official from the Ministry of the Interior, Madam Adelaide Amoah Kumi, noted that national socio-economic development is linked to national peace and security.

 The relevance and importance of the national emergency response service is therefore very key to national security arrangements and that its usefulness will be greatly felt in times of disasters. 

The Director of Finance who represented the Minister of Communications, Nana Asafoaa Agyei Tabi, noted that the national emergency response service is part of a number of initiatives being implemented by the ministry and that it is in the interest of public safety and security.


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