As part of strategies to ensure effective Television License fee collection in the country, plans are being considered to introduce devices that will block television signals to all unlicensed television sets. 

Additionally, the payment of the Fee will be enforced with the arrest and prosecution of Tv set owners who blatantly refuse to pay the Fee to deter other people from deliberately sabotaging the law. 

The Coordinator of TV License Fee Unit of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, Pastor Ebenezer Botwi, made these known in Kumasi at a training programme for selected staff of the Fidelity Bank. 

The training in Kumasi, the second after a similar one for staff of the Fidelity Bank in Accra nearly a week ago is aimed at strengthening the capacity of selected staff of the Bank in registering prospective Tv License fee payers at their branches. 

It is an initiative of the TV License Collection Unit of the GBC with support of the Management of the Bank. 

The Kumasi training saw selected Tellers from branches of the Fidelity Bank in the Eastern, Western, Central, Ashanti, Brong Ahafo and Northern regions go through the TV License Law, the reasons for the payment and collection of the TV License Fee, the categories of the Fee and the penalties prescribed by the law for defaulting tv set owners. 

They were also trained in electronic registration of the prospective payers following which some of them had a hands-on demonstration of their understanding of the systems.

 The Head of the Tv License Fee Collection Unit and Acting Director of Finance of the GBC, Pastor Ebenezer Botwi, noted that as the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation is established to promote national ideals such the cultural and moral standards while engendering patriotism among the citizenry, it is the responsibility of every eligible resident in the country to contribute towards maintenance of the national public broadcaster. 

Pastor Botwi warned that if people continue to resist payment of the tv license fee, the Corporation with the support of government, will be forced to use all available legitimate means to compel payment. 

Such strategies will include the arrest and prosecution of recalcitrant defaulters as well as a deliberate blocking of television signals to any television set that remains unlicensed after sometime. 

The Head of Transaction Banking of Fidelity Bank, Samuel Blay, noted that since the first training programme in Accra, there has been an appreciable improvement in the collection of the TV License Fee and is therefore hopeful that after Kumasi event, the situation would be even better.


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