A former Vicar General of the Kumasi Archdiocese of the Catholic Church, Monsignor Douglas Peters, has dispelled the religious teaching that a kingdom of persecution will be unleashed on sinners by God before the end of the world. 

According to him, such teachings particularly within Christendom, has become rife and is causing great fear and panic among sections of the people mainly due to misinterpretation and misapplication of the Book of Revelation. 

According to him, most Ministers of the gospel lack proper appreciation and understanding of the symbols, numbers, characters as well as the signs and language of the Book as revealed to John, the Apostle. 

Speaking on a Catholic-sponsored 'Catholic Half Hour' on GBC’s Garden City Radio in Kumasi to interpret the Book of Revelation, Monsignor Peters, who is also the current Priest of the Holy Trinity Parish at Sepe Timpom  in the Kumasi Archdiocese, emphasized the fact that the language of the book was in reference to the leadership and the persecutions that the early Christians were to endure. 

Reverend Father Peters likened the figurative speeches, symbols and numbers used by the writer in the Book to the Adinkra symbols of the Akans of Ghana, adding that the language used was in relation to the customs and traditions of the Jews. 

He said even though some people have linked previous world leaders such as the late Saddam Hussein, Roland Reagan and Adolf Hitler and even the Catholic Church to the 6-6-6 phenomenon as a result of their perceived hard leadership, a proper interpretation of Revelation Chapter 13 versus 18 which specifically mentions the Mark of the Beats. 

The Parish Priest traced the history of the beast to the reign of Emperor Caesar Nero during the Roman Empire.

 Emperor Nero, Monsignor Peters recalled visited  serious atrocities on the early Christians such that he intentionally set part of Rome on fire and turned around to blame the Christians for that and therefore caused their killings. 

The same leader also portrayed himself as being equal to God and wanted people to worship him.

 Monsignor Peters explained also that the aim of the author was to inspire the Christians and believers of the time to remain steadfast in their faith in God and endure the tribulations. 

Relating it to the current situation, Monsignor Peters reminded Christians of the difficult times, but that all believers must remain focused on pleasing God in the midst of economic, social and religious challenges but not to believe in the false teaching.


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