The next batch of students admitted by the Teacher Training Colleges will be pursuing direct four-year Bachelor of Education while Diploma of Education graduates would have an opportunity for one year top-up. 

This and other new policies are being introduced by the Ministry of Education to engender quality education in the country. 

The Minister of Education, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, who announced this in Kumasi, noted that henceforth, a greater premium will be placed on pre-school education by which Early Childhood Teachers will be prioritized to build a sound educational foundation for the children. 

He was addressing Head Teachers from selected second cycle schools considered as low performing schools from the Ashanti, Brong Ahafo, Northern, Upper East and Upper West regions. 

The Ministry of Education and Ghana Education Service organized the forum to bring to the attention of the participants a report of a three-year analysis of the performance of each of the senior high schools in Ghana at the West Africa Senior Secondary Certificate Education, WASSCE for the period 2013 to 2016. 

Statistics from the Ministry indicate that out of the 670 senior high schools in the country, as many as 420 representing two-thirds, performed below standard in the WASSCE from 2013 to 2016. 

The forum was the first in the two-series with the second one to be organized for heads of similar schools in the southern sector in Accra. 

Dr. Opoku Prempeh accepted the fact that there are challenges in the second cycle school system across the country bothering teacher deficit, infrastructure inadequacies and teaching and learning materials. 

He said government is taking pragmatic steps towards addressing all those problems to ensure that, that level of the formal education system remains easily accessible. 

Touching on teacher deficit, Dr. Opoku Prempeh said in future, recruitment of new teachers will not be on wholesale anymore but based on regional and school needs as declared by the schools. 

Also, deployment of physical infrastructure will prioritize the less endowed and needy senior high schools with the view to raising the infrastructural statuses of such institutions.

A Deputy Minister of Education, Dr. Osei Yaw Adutwum, announced that very son, the Ministry will launch a senior High Schools performance league. 

The League will be categorized into National and Similar Schools with a ranking band or scale of One to Ten. This aims to engender a healthy academic competition among the schools. 

The Deputy Director General of Education, Anthony Boateng, stressed that the mandate of GES is promote quality education saying that all other activities and programmes in the sector should be geared towards the attainment of this goal.


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