The Atonsu Agogo Circuit Superintendent Minister of the Methodist Church, Very Reverend Frederick Mensah has observed that even though God has sacrificed Jesus Christ to redeem man from the bondage of Satan, some people are still under the control of the evil one through devious schemes. 

According to Very Rev. Mensah, some self-seeking Ministers of the Gospel have adopted certain strategies to take dominion over the lives and tormenting their followers as a result of ignorance. 

The Circuit Superintendent Minister was preaching at the Emmanuel Methodist Church at Atonsu in Kumasi to mark the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

 Among the commonalities of the church services was that the various church auditoriums were filled to capacity with tents raised outside the main auditoriums for some of the members including occasional worshipers to also take part in the Resurrection Sunday. 

Another common characteristic of the church services at all the congregations visited was the dominance of the colour black and white won by the worshipers who were all in a frenzy mood in celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 

They sang and danced to songs of praises amidst the occasional waving of white handkerchiefs in jubilation. 

At the Ramseyer Memorial Presby Church at Adum, the presence of police personnel to protect the worshippers against external aggression was obvious. 

The Kumasi District Minister of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Reverend Moses Opoku Agyemang, explained that the resurrection of Christ from the dead after three days should be enough proof of the divinity of Jesus Christ. 

According to Him, it now behoves all Christians to obey the great commission of Christ to enangelise to help redeem those who are yet to accept Jesus as their personal saviour. 

At the Emmanuel Methodist Church at Atonsu, the Circuit Superintendent Minister, Very Reverend Frederick Mensah, used video presentation of some of the deceitful and inhumane strategies self-seeking Ministers of the Gospel are adopting to control and sway their followers. 

The video presentation was to demonstrate to members of the Methodist church that even though God has sacrificed Jesus Christ to reclaim man from bondage, some people are still under the control of Satan. 

Very Reverend Mensah asked Christians to always walk closely with God and abstain from anything unholy. 

At Anwomaso near Kumasi, members of the Ayigya, Kentinkrono and Fumesua districts of the Church of Pentecost which together constitute the Fumesua Zone of the Church held a Church service to climax their four-day Easter Convention on the theme: ‘The Risen Christ’. 

In a sermon, the Ayigya District Pastor of the Church, Pastor Emmanuel Domonic Annor reminded Christians of their mandate to live righteous lives. 

For this reason, Pastor Annor urged Ghanaian Christian voters to use their own conscience to vote for their preferred candidates in this year’s Presidential and Parliamentary elections. 

They should resist any politician who will try to use dubious tricks to win votes. 


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