Rev. Msgn Douglas Peters-Holy Trinity Parish Priest A former Vicar General the Kumasi Arch Diocese of the Catholic Church, Reverend Monsignor Douglas Peters has taken a swipe at the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly for its approach towards re-development of markets in the Kumasi metropolis. According to him, it is absolutely wrong for the city authorities to re-develop all the major marketing centres within Kumasi at the same time without finding better alternatives by way of resettlement for the traders while the existing facilities are being demolished. Such an approach, he noted, is likely to throw the traders out of their legitimate business and deprive them of their daily bread. Reverend Monsignor Peters was Preaching the Sermon at a Sunday Church Service at the Holy Trinity Parish at Sepe Tinpom in Kumasi. Reverend Monsignor Peters, who is now the Priest in charge of the Holy Trinity Parish, noted that in most major project contracts, ...