The Ashanti Regional Poultry Farmers
Association has distributed one thousand 200 eggs free of charge to residents
in Kumasi as part of activities marking World Egg Day. The celebration under
the theme, Think Egg, is to whip up public enthusiasm on the need to eat eggs
to meet the nutritional needs of the body. The members undertook three hour
route march through some principal streets in Kumasi holding placards some of
which read, Eat One Egg a Day or thrice a week, Egg is full of Nutrients, Egg
Provides required Cholesterol, Eat Egg, It is Life. According to the
Association, egg contains the many of the essential minerals that the human
body requires for healthy growth. Egg is rich in minerals such as iodine,
selenium, phosphorous, zinc and iron. Children who eat egg can never be
malnourished, while anaemic rate in pregnant women is also reduced
considerably. Addressing the gathering, the Regional Chairman of the
Association, Victor Ofori Agyei advised Ghanaians not to stop eating eggs
because of false information that eggs contain high level of cholesterol. He
said an average egg contains what is called High Density Lipoprotein, far lower
than the desirable borderline level of cholesterol in the blood. Mr. Agyei said
naturally the human liver produces some amount of high density cholesterol
which helps to clean the bloodstream of bad cholesterol known as the Low
Density Lipoprotein. He said irrespective of one’s age, an egg a day does not
endanger a person’s health, but rather improves it. The Chairman observed that
in comparison with other high protein foods, eggs are relatively the cheapest
source of quality protein. Mr. Agyei said patronage of eggs is low in Ghana not
because of the cost but lack of awareness of their nutritional value. He said
the campaign will be intensified until people are well informed about the need
to eat egg to produce healthy population.
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