Mr. Prince Gyamfi-Deputy Country Director, I.C.I.
 interacting with the journalists at the workshop

For the avoidance of doubt, cocoa farmers could engage their children in cocoa production activities without breaching any law on child labour. What is important is for such children to do activities relative to their ages under the supervision of a responsible adult without compromising on the safety, health, formal education and physical development of the child. Also, no work done for a parent can be described as forced labour.

The media have therefore been urged to educate members of the public so as to reduce the level of misconception about child labour in cocoa production in Ghana.

The Deputy Country Director of the International Cocoa Initiative, a multinational organization concerned with the cocoa production value chain, Mr. Prince Gyamfi, gave the advice in Kumasi in the Ashanti region, during training workshop for selected journalists from some parts of the country.

The four-day training workshop was organized by the Ghana Agriculture and Rural Development Journalists’ Association, GARDJA, and jointly funded by the International Cocoa Initiative, I.C.I., a multinational organization concerned with the cocoa production value chain, Rainforest Alliance and Solidaridad.

The journalists were trained in topics relative to child labour, forced labour, trafficking, national and international legal frameworks on child and forced labour as well as ethical reporting on child and forced labour. The participants, both members and non-members of GARDJA, were from the Greater Accra, Volta, Eastern, Ashanti, Western and Western North regions with the resource persons carefully selected

from both the cocoa industry and media. The training and topics had become necessary as a result of continued misconception by a section of the public especially the media and even some players within the cocoa production value chain that it is totally unlawful for children to be involved in production of the commodity anywhere.

 The Deputy Country Manager of the International Cocoa Initiative, Mr. Gyamfi, apart from exposure to agro chemicals in any form, children, based on their age, could be engaged in cocoa production legally provided they will not be deprived of formal education and also protected.

Richmomd Frimpong-President, GARDJA

“Child labour is real. We must also say that not all work done by children constitute child labour. There are some work that children can do in cocoa production. And also at home. Those work include picking of cocoa pods, scooping cocoa beans from the broken pods. Those work could be done by children whose ages are 13, 14, 15, 16, 17”, the I.C.I. Deputy Country Director explained.

Mr. Gyamfi, though expressed fear that, more Ghanaian children risk being pushed into child labour due to prevailing socio-economic difficulties in the country, the problem of child labour could be substantially addressed if the government rigorously pursues for the acceptance and commitment of the international cocoa market players the Living Income Differentials for cocoa farmers, among other initiatives to increase income of the farmers.

The President of GARDJA, Richmond Frimpong, charged the participants to bring to bear the knowledge acquired so as to clear the existing misunderstanding among the public about using children in cocoa farming.

Mr. Frimpong said, ‘what necessitated this training is to clear the mind around child labour issues in this country. And the very important personalities who can help clear those minds is journalists. At the end of the day, we expect journalists from the community to be able to champion and communicate well to the people and their understanding about child labour issues in the country.’ 

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