The Crops Research Institute of the CSIR
has organized a day’s training workshop and a field trip for 50 farmers, fish
farmers, students of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology,
Agricultural Extension Officers and agric entrepreneurs on a new integrated
agricultural production system at Fumesua near Kumasi.
The new and improved
agricultural production method known as Aquaponics-based Food System, AFS, is a
project being jointly carried out by a Research Scientist project team from the
Crops, Animal and Water Research Institutes of the CSIR with both technical and
financial support from the Brazilian Agricultural Research Cooperation, EMBRAPA.
The Aquaponics-based Food System is an integrated farming method that
emphasizes optimal use of land and by-products from each of the farming
After being taken through details of the new farming method, the
participants also visited a pilot AFS farm at the Crops Research Institute
where they not only learnt at first hand the best use of available lands, but
also had hands-on experience on how to construct a fish pond using local
materials at a minimal cost.
The pilot AFS farm comprises two fish ponds made
from tarpaulin, a vegetables farm, crops farm, a poultry farm, a rabbitary
among others.
The Project Coordinator, Shadrack Amponsah explained that AFS,
which was developed by EMBRAPA, seeks mainly to increase small holder food
production through implementation of water conservation farming practices
combined with fish aquaculture.
According to Mr. Amponsah, AFS is a proactive
measure towards mitigating the impact of climate change on food production in
He disclosed that already five individual farmers are implementing the new
farming method in the Ashanti, Volta and Western regions, with a higher
prospect of scaling it up in other parts of the country.
Another member of the
Project Team, Felix Frimpong noted that one key feature of the project is the
use of waste products from each of the farms as inputs of the others thereby
cutting down financial cost and agro-chemicals.
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